Make An Appointment Today

When Can We Meet?

Please click on the arrow next to consultation to use my Calendly app to schedule an appointment. If you don’t see a time that works for you, please contact me and we can see what we can do! Additionally, please check back frequently for new openings or request to be added to a wait list.

Also, if you are not interested in using online scheduling or video sessions, please email me or contact me and we can arrange a different method that works for you. I am very flexible and understand that everyone has different preferences.

If you just have a simple question I can handle without an appointment and/or it is a matter of referring you to another person or resource, please note that in the comments of your scheduling request.

Please also note that your information is safe and secure with me. I have taken many steps to ensure the highest level of security and privacy with all aspects of my business.

How it Works:

During this time, my services will be offered exclusively by email, video or basic tele-phone calls and limited texting/chatting.

In preparation for our first visit, you'll receive a secure, private form for you to complete with general questions so I can get to know you, your goals, and basic history. I will review this prior to our call/meeting and we will review it together. If you find you would like to become a client after learning how I can help you, then we will start with meeting at regular intervals to begin with and space things out as we move for-ward. I will give you resources and tasks after each meeting, and we will constantly check in and monitor how you’re feeling about things.

If you need assistance in how to use a certain technology or have any concerns, please reach out and I can assist you with these.

Please note that I take privacy extremely serious, as I am very private myself and I have taken many measures to ensure your privacy and confidentiality is of the highest regard in all matters of communication and services done with me.